Astar Therapeutics

Astar Therapeutics

Astar Therapeutics

Astar Therapeutics offer various types of massage and holistic therapies to improve wellbeing and promote self care!

Based at Plymouth Wellbeing centre, Unit 4, Lynher House, Bush Park, Plymouth PL6 7RG

Astar Therapeutics

Astra - (she/her)

Massage Therapist
Hi my name is Astra, I am the massage therapist behind Astar Therapeutics. I have been trained and practicing massage and other holistic therapies for a few years now. My passion for holistic therapy started when I read an article on aromatherapy and wanted to learn more. I then started an aromatherapy course and I was hooked. I saw and felt the benefits personally and wanted to be able to help others. Since then I have trained in other types of therapies to compliment my skills.

Astar Therapeutics

Swedish Massage

Aromatherapy Massage

Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Pregnancy Massage

Astar Therapeutics

Astar Therapeutics

Astar Therapeutics

Plymouth Wellbeing Centre, Unit 4 Lynher House, Bush Park, Plymouth, Plymouth, PL6 7RG

6:00pm - 10:00pm
6:00pm - 10:00pm
9:00am - 9:00pm

Astar Therapeutics

Astar Therapeutics

Plymouth Wellbeing Centre, Unit 4 Lynher House, Bush Park, Plymouth, Plymouth, PL6 7RG

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